Decision Trees

  • Popular representation for interpretable classifiers; even among humans!
  • Example: I’ve just arrived at a restaurant. Should I stay (wait for a table) or go elsewhere?

One may choose to use the following set of rules to make their decision:


Consider this dataset:

  • 4x4 checkerboard dataset with alternating classes
  • Red points \(\implies y=0\)
  • Blue points \(\implies y=1\)
  • Want to model dataset generation rationale

Fit a Decision tree?

The following decision tree is achieved:

Rationale is perfectly captured by a decision tree with depth=7

A twist


Consider this dataset:

  • Previous dataset, rotated by \(45^{\circ}\) from the origin
  • How will our decision tree algorithm perform on this dataset?

  • A complicated decision tree with 18 questions is required
  • Note that the depth is not constrained
  • Number of corners \(\propto\) density of class
  • Unconstrained - Overfitting
  • depth=7 found sufficient to capture structure of dataset
  • But performance is not invariant to transformation by rotation


Decision trees make the following presumption about the structure of data:

Can figure class out based on a series of binary questions (yes/no) on individual features

Inductive Bias: Anything which makes an algorithm learn one pattern over another

  • Inductive bias of decision trees entails the use of axis-parallel splits to construct the decision boundary
  • Sensitive to rotations
  • Algorithm invariant to rotation?

K-Nearest Neighbors

  • Lazy Human; do not want to learn anything
  • Predict on input \(\mathbb{x}\) as follows:
    • Find others who are in a similar situation as \(\mathbb{x}\)
    • Choose the top \(K\) people w.r.t similarity
    • Have them vote on the prediction

In our dataset, we define similarity to be inveresely proportional to the distance between datapoints; i.e

The closer the datapoints, the more similar they are

The following decision boundaries are achieved by the KNN algorithm:

  • Rotation has no impact on the decision boundary of KNN!
  • Inductive bias for KNN?

Consider the following dataset:

  • The dataset is linearly seperable
  • Blue points \(\implies\) Class 1, and Red points \(\implies\) Class 2
  • Note that the range (and therefore scaling) is vastly different for Features 1 & 2

KNN Results in the following decision boundary:

  • Distance is invariant to scaling of features
  • Feature 2 is totally neglected during prediction
  • Apply StandardScalar?

  • KNN has satisfactory performance; but we raise some questions:
    • Is a StandardScalar transformation advisable?
    • Dataset is given to be linearly seperable; Can we do better?