
Site is in Beginning phases

Currently the site has very few content, visit a while later. Meanwhile, you can give a few minutes adding something you find missing. It has a Contribute page for guiding you how to add content. Trust me its really simple.

For easier navigation and more organized access of all the resources related to this degree, I’ve collected all the resources into this site. It’s written in markdown fully. Markdown being a simple markup language, one can get started writing documents in Markdown within 2 minutes. It’s essentially plain text, with a minimal jargon. Anyone can access and contribute via github pull requests. The site is built from this github repository, which is a part of official IITM BS Organization on Github. So when you click on the edit button of any page (see Contribute page), it will direct you to an editor within that account on github, where you can easily make changes and save.

Let all know you were here!!!

If you don’t have any new idea for any change, but you still want to try editing, try adding your name and a link, to your github account, or any of your projects on this page. This will get you started editing a document, without actually having something to edit. Have fun!!

For making the site easily accessible to everyone conveniently without the requirement of being signed in to github, I’ve made the site public. Enjoy exploring