About Our Society


Being stated that in the mere future we would like to see us as the cell as the platform having enormous opportunities for the research enthusiast having the interest to dive deeper into the subject and also provide the guidance for higher studies.  A cell with a wide alumni network and the hub with a pool for opportunities to work with various companies and institutions, seeking dream placements through the placement drives. This cell will serve as the stage for the researchers to present their findings and opportunity to work with the subject experts. A cell which is the core attraction for the Mathematics and Statistics Enthusiasts and develops an interest for the subjects.   

What we do as an Society?

We are here to discover and explore the amazing correlation between the branches of pure mathematics and statistics. Acknowledging various research activities, providing pathways for higher education in the subject, and competing in olympiads is the primary motive leading to a wonderful learning experience and substantial growth as an individual in building an amazing community.