Accept a sequence of comma-separated integers as input and print the maximum value in the sequence as output.
Consider the following piece of code.
When this code is executed, it gives the following output:
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
The method split
is a string method. It can be used with any string variable. The string that is passed as an argument to the split
method, in this case it is a comma, is called a delimiter. Sometimes you may have to split using a space. For example:
num = '1 2 3 4 5'
L = num.split(' ') # there is a single space between the quotes
print(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'])
The value returned by num.split(' ')
is a list of strings. The next step is to convert each element of the string into an integer. This could be done in two ways.
Method-1 modifies the list in-place. Method-2 creates a new list. Both methods are valid. From here, it is all about finding the maximum element, something that you should be quite familiar with by now.