
Accept a square matrix as input and store it in a variable named matrix. The first line of input will be, \(n\), the number of rows in the matrix. Each of the next \(n\) lines will have a sequence of \(n\) space-separated integers.


How does one accept a row of a matrix?

A row of input is usually provided as a sequence of numbers:

1 2 3 4 5

PPAs 1 to 6 should give you the idea here.

nums = input().split(' ')   # split by space
row = [ ]                   # represents one row of a matrix
for num in nums:
    row.append(int(num))    # convert str to int

Now, you just need to append this row to another list matrix:

matrix = [ ]

Your matrix currently has only one row in it and would look like this:

[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]

Now it is just a question of using a loop to append all rows of a matrix to the outer list matrix one by one. For the first test case, this is what happens:

matrix = [ ]
# Row-1: 1 2
row = [1, 2]
# Matrix becomes [[1, 2]]
# Row-2: 3 4
row = [3, 4]
# Matrix becomes [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

Now, loopify!


n = int(input())

matrix = [ ]
for _ in range(n):
    row = [ ]
    for num in input().split(' '):

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