
Write a function named first_three that accepts a list L of distinct integers as argument. It should return the first maximum, second maximum and third maximum in the list, in this order. You can assume that the input list will have a size of at least three. What concept in CT does this remind you of?

You do not have to accept input from the user or print output to the console. You just have to write the function definition.


This function returns three different values at the same time. Let us first take up a simpler example that involves two return values

def floor_ceil(x):
    '''x is a positive real number'''
    if x == int(x):
        floor = ceil = int(x)
        floor = int(x)
        ceil = floor + 1
    return floor, ceil

Let us call the function with some value, say floor(4.3) and see what happens:

a = floor_ceil(4.3)

It prints the output (4, 5). This is called a tuple (refer to week-6). A tuple is very much like a list. So, when multiple values are simultaneously returned in a single return statement, what is being returned is a tuple. But, let us not worry too much about that. What is more useful is the following:

a, b = floor_ceil(4.3)

Since the function returns two values, we have two variables — a, b — on the LHS of the assignment statement in line-1.

Coming back to this problem, consider the following snippet of code and see if you can extend it into a solution:

fmax = max(L)


Refer to this FAQ to understand some of the finer points regarding lists and functions in the context of this problem. Read this FAQ and then look at solutions (1) and (2).

def first_three(L):
    fmax = max(L)
    smax = max(L)
    tmax = max(L)
    return fmax, smax, tmax

In this solution we are modifying the list. For example if this code snippet is run:

P = [6, 7, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2]

the output will be:

(7, 6, 5)
[1, 5, 4, 3, 2]

Notice that the list P has been modified in this process. If this is to be avoided, refer to solution-2.

def first_three(L):
    L_local = L.copy()
    fmax = max(L_local)
    smax = max(L_local)
    tmax = max(L_local)
    return fmax, smax, tmax

Now, if we run this snippet:

P = [6, 7, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2]

we get the output:

(7, 6, 5)
[6, 7, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2]

Note that P has not been disturbed. We achieved this by making sure that a copy of L was created in line-2.

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