ML Handbook

Table of Contents

Sr. No. Topic Summary Status Author
1 Dealing with missing-values The notebook explores types of missingness and techniques for imputation. Completed Alape Aniruddha
2 Comprehensive Study on the Impact of Feature Scaling on Classification Models An Introduction to Scaling. Completed Sherry Thomas
3 Investigation of Standard Scaling Influence A deep dive into Standard Scaling. Completed Sherry Thomas
4 Visualizations for Data Science: An Overview A general overview on how data visualization is handled. Completed Sherry Thomas
5 Comprehensive Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn Code and Implementation of various visualization techniques using Matplotlib and Seaborn. Completed Sherry Thomas
6 Accuracy The notebook discusses accuracy in classification, its issues, calculation, and tuning using sklearn. Completed Alape Aniruddha
7 F1 Score The notebook discusses F1 Score in classification metrics using sklearn. Completed Alape Aniruddha
8 Recall in Classification Metrics The notebook explains recall in binary classification using sklearn metrics. Completed Alape Aniruddha
9 Precision in Classification Metrics The notebook explores precision in classification, its calculation, and application. Completed Alape Aniruddha
10 Exploring the Significance of ROC AUC in Classification Models The notebook explores ROC-AUC in classification, its calculation, and application. Completed Sherry Thomas
11 Inductive Bias in Decision Trees and K-Nearest Neighbors Exploring inductive bias impact on classifiers using synthetic datasets and algorithms. Completed Vivek Sivaramakrishnan
12 Ordinal Classification Ordinal classification explored using logistic regression and alternative encoding methods. Completed Vivek Sivaramakrishnan
13 EM Algorithm The notebook demonstrates the Expectation-Maximization algorithm on a Gaussian Mixture Model. Completed Vivek Sivaramakrishnan
14 Probabilistic PCA The notebook explores Probabilistic PCA through generative modeling and EM algorithm. Completed Vivek Sivaramakrishnan
15 Predictive Modeling of Patient Status in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis A case study, EDA and modeling on a medical dataset. Completed Sherry Thomas
16 Predicting Bank Customer Churn A case study, EDA and modeling on a banking dataset. Completed Sherry Thomas
17 Agglomerative Clustering Hierarchical clustering with agglomerative approach, dendrograms, and linkage methods explored visually. Completed Vivek Sivaramakrishnan